A short curly haired dude celebrated his 6oth birthday and Smartset was on hand to capture all the fun as official photographers. And when that dude is Leo Sayer, fun is the operative word, as is sexy, sophisticated, stylish and sassy. Long time friends Jono Coleman, Barry Crocker , Jack Thompson and Ross Wilson mingled with sexy twenty and thirty somethings at Justin Hemmes new baby The Ivy in George Street Sydney on May 26 in a bash that would have satisfied the most bleary eyed 70’s rockers.
Posh Belgian beers, fancy champagne and an array of canapés were dished up in abundance, but the most delicious course was definitely the amazing array of sexy outfits worn by the female guests displaying plenty of square inches of thoroughly tanned flesh- admittedly, not surprising when well known Sydney celebs Bessie Bardot, Michelle Walsh and Kelly Smythe are amongst the well wishers. Of course, seasoned party goers such as Kerri-Anne Kennerley and Paula Duncan also displayed their usual sartorial elegance- as well as a level of stamina that many half their age would be envious of.
The star of the show, however, was Leo- his lust for life, generosity of spirit and boundless energy is not a secret, but one could not resist a smirk of admiration as he was able to work the room from beginning to end, his ebulliance at being able to catch up with old friends was matched only by his generosity when meeting obvious star seeking blow ins he had never met. Even my constant demands for poncy set up shots were met by a warm smile and ‘sure no problem’.
Other highlights of the night included a touching speech by Jono Coleman, which recounted their times together in London, and Leo’s lamentable efforts when blowing out the candles on his elaborately decorated birthday cake- the end result being the cake ending up splat on the floor. Of course, Leo took it all in his stride.
Ahh Leo....Those character traits you so eloquently use to describe that short, curly headed entertainer are the reasons he still enjoys such peer respect and general popularity on a diurnal basis. Well done .
..."the most delicious course was definitely the amazing array of sexy outfits worn by the female guests displaying plenty of square inches of thoroughly tanned flesh" - tough gig!! :)
Nice site guys. Nice pics from Leo's 60th, wish I was there....keep up the great work.
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